Acoustic fingerstyle guitar and nearly-whispered falsetto vocals meet with a simple, wave-like chord progression, for DragonflyStigma’s beautifully timeless, imagery-laden Cast Away.
Newly-released from his 2022 album Glass Half Full, The Real J Israel strips things back to the bare essentials, for the acoustic and beautifully heartfelt A Better Me.
Riding high on the simple strength of a crisp acoustic guitar sound and calming fingerstyle of hammer-ons and familiarity – Ray Flanagan draws listeners in with ease, for the beautifully heart-broken, topically poignant You Don’t Hear Her.
Introducing an album with a sensational opening track that naturally creates an addictively rhythmic, poetically captivating and creative realm of appeal.
From the creative who brought us Robot Raven, WHISTLEWIT is the multi-faceted new ID, delivering memories of what many considered a simpler, happier time, through the Sunflower ’69 album.
Promising seventeen tracks in full, Live at Tiki Oasis delivers both the blissful heart and soul of live vocals and acoustic instruments, and the melodic and lyrical positivity of a band with kind intentions.
Spanish-style acoustic guitar flavours create an instantly melodic, alluring and rhythmic yet intimate space, as Michael Lewis crafts the uniquely enchanting single Find Your Love.
Intimacy and heartbreak guide us organically into the depths of PK Sonic’s reflective and moving Behind Us.
Music working its magic in a raw, unedited and naturally human fashion, the passion increasingly subtly yet effectively during the closing moments, and it’s addictively beautiful to listen to.
Lifelong composer, teacher and innovator Tom Stone has compiled his years of experience in music theory and practice alike, to invent the new 16-note instruments Sharmachord and Lila.
Indie outfit River Knight keep things organic and honest, with the live presentation and melodic simplicity of a heartfelt Unsprung.
This creative realm is vast yet focused – ultimately indicative of a band with their own fascinating and refreshing way with creativity. It’s interesting and entertaining in equal parts.