These are issues most listeners can relate to, expressed in a very genuine, even vulnerable manner. An intriguing & thoughtful artist.
Sublime, easy to escape to. The lyrics teeter between the accessible, the well known, & the lesser walked roads of reflection & pondering – a strong fusion.
The all important ideas of an optimist, a hard working, motivated songwriter hoping to inspire similar feelings of being unstoppable in all who listen.
Skilfully chasing these varying emotions with a flawless vocal stream of notes, always offering some poetic reflection of the inner turmoil of being human.
The thickness of rock, the melodic satisfaction of Americana, the emotional rawness of folk, and the sheer style & character of a brand new band.
The song takes advantage of the entire musical structure of songwriting, utilising each moment to imprint ideas & a certain mood onto those who hear it.
A compelling visual journey that again reinforces the realness & grit that The Valium so effectively & stylishly encapsulate within their songs.
The classic sound of power-pop-dance fusion from way back when. The energy is intense & upbeat, the vocal is bold & passionate at every instance.
A strong introduction to the Chicago based singer & songwriter. The more you listen, the more the melody, lyrics & energy imprint their good vibes on you.
They’ve built an impressive & loyal following over the years thanks to great song writing, unforgettable live shows, and ever approachable attitudes.
The song has the distorted thickness of authentic blues rock & roll with the perfectly fitting level of emotion & passion that make the genre what it is.
The skill & satisfying crunch of any great folk rock track. The riffs have a simplicity that lets you fully access the sentiment & soul of the song.