Ben Ferrell creates precisely the chilled out vibes we could all use at the end of a long day. Wannabe is a gorgeously mellow jazz-trip-hop track that utilizes a few key ingredients to build something smooth and dreamlike for listeners to escape within.


The Khatarnaak hip hop collective sees the artist breakaway for this individual venture, he offers up a track that hits hard but with an easy to appreciate delicacy at the same time.


With everything from the crisp and clean nature of the soundscape to Aus10’s unwavering and intelligent lyricism and stylish performance, this is absolutely one of the best new hip hop tracks of 2019 so far.


Combining personal honesty and depth of thought in an endearing fashion, with experimental soundscape building,  Tanner Parker has crafted something fresh and free from the confines of industry expectations or genre rules.

Electro PopPop

21 year old Yung Jay is an artist and rapper based out of Anaheim, California. This is undoubtedly just the beginning, a collaborative release with a skilled producer should make for a strong starting point.


Songwriter Rob Georg pours his heartfelt devotion into the single Carry The Wind as he reflects on a beloved horse who passed away. The song sees Georg perform with genuine emotion as he poses questions up to a higher power regarding his horse transcending to heaven. 
