A beautifully thoughtful, deep-thinking & poetic single, which sets the mood for its late-night contemplation & melancholy with pristine ambiance & notable vulnerability in the lyrics.
These beach-like, steel-drum-style outpourings add a gorgeous change in direction, and as the track goes on the energy & togetherness seems to grow stronger all the more so.
A joyful hit of organic funk and some infectious animated dancing is just about the perfect temporary remedy for feelings of isolation – of longing for the festivals and events our summers usually grace us with.
“You can’t escape from something if you don’t know what it is, so acknowledgement in one form or the other must take place.”
Flickers of soulful expression meet with the ends of these short, rhythmic lines, resolving in ways that add multiple dashes of character and recognizable riffs to the entire set-up of Late Nights.
Pouring through with a crystal-clear yet delicately dreamlike soundscape and beat, C Williams’ new single sets the mood from the offset, and proceeds to offer the intimate anthem for lovers that summer 2020 has been calling out for.
Oscar Bunnik impresses in an instant with this infectiously engaging debut release. Right from the start we get a soundscape and hook that quickly draw you in – a smooth bounce of a beat, crystal clear production, and a soulful vocal that delivers a seductive and memorable melody in a catchy yet calming, summer-anthem sort … Continued
Episodic, ever-shifting and compelling, Deeper Than has a lot going on. This can drown some tunes, but this is an example of how to do complex without blowing it. A great collaboration with a great atmosphere.
It’s inspiring to hear something so on point in terms of the current sound of the genre, yet which manages to still be so creative & unpredictable from one track to the next.
Guitarist and songwriter Marlock emerges this summer with a softly soulful, smooth yet emotionally gritty new single, which rises up from delicacy to brightness in a brilliantly powerful way.
Dustin Chapman’s voice bursts through the acoustic set-up with absolute emotion and soul, proving an immediately appealing highlight of his sound, and effectively drawing you in closer for a better listen.
Instead of only seeing the struggle in life, the burned bridges and mistakes, you can start to see things as part of the process, as just one part of a bigger picture. The song represents this concepts beautifully.