J.E.F.F. II is an artist who showcases an attempt to jump ahead on this latest release, bringing music fans something that feels fit to fill the EDM scene but also perfect to accompany those indie-rock festival nights
Rebecca Cullen
This album presents audiences with hit after hit after indie anthem, loaded with equal parts delicacy and weight, weaving around you colourful riffs and melodies and lyrical concepts, all honest and genuine sounding.
Jamel Myles’ story has been told here in an open and painful manner, which is really the only way to tell it – and it needs to be told if we are ever to see the end of this hatred and evil at the core of bullying and prejudice
Total Audio Converter is everything the name promises. At the click of a button you can convert close to any files for just about any new purpose.
I think the song is really an anthem for single people with texting anxiety. I guess its purpose is to make people not feel so alone & encourage them to laugh at themselves to overcome this anxiety.
Listening to Product Of Environment by Mike will almost certainly inspire hope in you that, despite some current trends, the future of hip hop is in safe hands.
The production on the song is brilliant, the hook is repeated using instrumentation – distortion, fuzz, effects & volume – unusual but effective, you find yourself uttering that hook melody, those three words, even when they’re not being sung.
A brilliant bit of writing and musicality, an exciting introduction to the band and a refreshing, creatively free yet smart piece of music that’s a pleasure to hear right now.
This album is all about the songwriting. The music varies so much – and that’s a great thing, you never get a chance to grow tired of anything. There are so many good hooks & the arrangement allows the quieter moments to stand as tall as the louder ones.
The Edward Show Musics Album is a project that takes you through the struggles & joys of daily life for Edward. He’s a character you won’t forget about any time soon, and the level of detail he offers up is about as unfiltered as can be.
GillaWatts crafted this entire EP based on a deathly journey through turmoil after visiting an Ayahuasca retreat. Whether you bear that in mind or not, these songs are superb – the production is so unique in itself, and the lyrics, the use of contrast – everything is fascinating, musically satisfying, and addictive to have fill the room around you.
Ferreira has a respectable way with writing and performing – it’s humble but professional, and effective in giving us those good vibes we seek out in music. The upcoming album is undoubtedly one to look out for.