What Captain Graveyard have done here is create a loud, prominent voice, melodic and intense all at once, and rightfully put up an impossible to miss flag – of solidarity, of personal truth, and of human rights.

Rebecca Cullen
Structurally brilliant for its juxtaposed intensity and melodic, tribal moments, the new single from Sun lays bare a thoughtful, captivating way with contemporary production.
Bass-thick production with contrastingly lighter synths for a dreamy top layer backs up the gritty and captivating story.
Emotive honesty and beautifully immersive, organic production lights up this authentic and open new single from songwriter and artist Remmorii.
Classic rap vibes offer nostalgia and personality united as $to0d and Lil B kick up an easy anthem for living in the moment.
Ambient jazz vibes with fragments of soul and nostalgia woven into the mix – Guru Mars relights the simple, expressive nature of original hip hop with this creatively immersive new soundscape.
Featuring rhythmic vocals from rising artist Xavier Clayton, Brutu Music returns this season with a bass-heavy groove and catchy hook melody fit to light up the airwaves in style.
Beautifully crafted, rising up from dreamy beginnings to the brightness and energy of its hook, Late Night holds closely to a select few riffs and lyrics for an easily memorable core.
Freshly released from the upcoming project Devine Intervention, Anotha Lifetime introduces the blissfully soulful, gorgeously nostalgic quality and emotive depth of Nasa Lamode’s sound with lasting style.
Meandering bass, keys and psychedelic layers of immersion – Jorge Mujica takes listeners down a nostalgic, dreamy pathway of expression.
Kyle Jaymes warms the heart and simultaneously explores the ache of modern life with this kick-back to the pop-rock anthems of a simpler decade.
Explosive rock hooks, anthem-like structures and fearless indie purity – Patrick Lew Band keep their sound eclectic yet passionate throughout an incredibly versatile collection of originals.