This is the sort of alternative indie music that stands the test of time, interesting and unusual, loaded with identity and professionalism yet carefree in its expression; provocative in its imagery and contemplations.
Distinct vocals and the gradually intensifying emotional build-up prove noteworthy calling cards, and meanwhile the melody offers a simple, somewhat familiar thread throughout.
Leading with the simple, raw strum of an acoustic guitar, and dreamy, soulful vocals that capture the essence and imagery of the song beautifully…
Introducing the sublime poetic framing of ideas, the kind that feel deeply human and often breathtakingly truthful in their grit and uncertainty and awe
BC returns once again this year with another mighty anthem of a song – this time in the form of a rising ballad of absolute pop-rock passion and intention.
The UK’s own Lochlan Shaw releases an acoustic debut EP that consistently holds close to his profoundly considerate, fearlessly open manner of writing and performing.
Always incomparable by topic and design, Andrea Pizzo and friends bring both the musicianship and conceptualisation to greater heights than ever with this project.
Singer and songwriter Dave Vargo excels himself once more with the beautifully poetic, simple yet striking Fault Lines.
Driving with absolute heart and passion, as per the implications of the title, singer and artist Jean Michel crafts a deeply moving, captivating expression of unity and oneness.
Taking the emotive metal fans right back their roots with the sheer embrace of distortion and deeply moving vocals, Life Never Lost get personal and powerful, with Blue.
Incorporating all manner of moods and musical styles, with a variety of organic folk instruments from clarinet to mandolin and cello, The Azure Sea proves all at once a treat for the real music fans, and an artistic snapshot of the times we’re living in.
Great acoustic guitar-work quickly soothes the soul – the live sound that the band so faultlessly deliver works gorgeously in this context.