Timi Alexander’s performance teeters between the whisper of a poet & the soulful scream of an artist who has bottled up his feelings for far too long.
Genuinely a powerful & pretty special collection. Brilliant songwriting, stunning compositions & flawless musical performances to back it all up.
A bold & unapologetically open song that presents a certain truth in a notably real way. You can hear the connection between singer & subject matter.
You’re not pulled in from afar by some overly loud or boisterous element. Instead, the simple beauty of the music provides a glow that subtly surrounds you.
When I moved to Chicago I met so many stellar musicians & all of them were so fun to watch play & grow. They inspired me to keep working at music.
Takes full advantage of every second. Considers his audience, the fact that attention is fleeting & that to hold on to a new listener is no easy feat.
Open & unapologetic lyricism, creative musical sculpting, and a personal truth that is likely to connect with those who’ve been through similar experiences.
Full to the brim with heartfelt songwriting & seemingly effortless musicianship that is a pleasure to listen to. Well worth exploring.
For what emerges as a gentle piano ballad, led by a stunning performance, supported by a simple string section – the song evolves into something mighty.
Not overwhelming you with complex story telling, purely letting the peaceful artistry of instrumentation & the power of the voice create the soundscape.
A refreshing take on the concept of Christmas in music. Far from loaded with the sound of bells & excitement, this is incredibly personal & emotional.
New Orleans is a magical city but it also has a dangerous side. The black population are so unfairly treated. I wanted to convey the pain the city is in.