Utterly unhurried, and all the better for it, Voice of Dawn looks like it’s done at around 6 minutes, then a slightly tremulous, yet controlled tender vocal comes in right at the death, before being swept away in a shocking sweep of white noise that takes us through to the end proper. Worth your full attention for its full run time. Nicely done!
It’s a melding of primarily 60s- and 70s-influenced classic rock songs and sounds and yet sounding audacious and as fresh-as-a-daisy enough to consistently beguile the listener, I’m at a bit of a loss for words, whilst seemingly being able to write endlessly about it!
Releasing to the masses on an aptly chosen September 11th of this year, Brannon offer up a 13-track collection of acoustic rock ballads, and showcase undoubtedly passionate, powerful performances right the way through.
“That really is Frank Sinatra’s toilet on our album promo poster. “
It’s a fascinating song, poetic and vague enough to intrigue, and indeed to be made your own – not so vague that it doesn’t have a clear message and statement to make.
Really well done, a refreshingly original artist with a thoughtful way of framing ideas and arrangements.
Violet Tempo’s four-to-the-floor arrangement and high energy kick in amidst a quickly infectious melody, deeply personal yet poetic lyrics, and a vocal lead that offers a notably emotional, refreshing sense of character.
Throwing fans another unexpected curveball, LA’s Love Ghost offer up a personal ode to a country they adore, by covering this renowned Japanese ballad Uewo muite aruko (English title : Sukiyaki).
Following the release of a string of original tracks, and a connected short-story for one single, we were blessed with an in-depth interview with artist, producer and writer HANIZ, to find out more about his journey so far and his hopes for the future. Here’s how it went. * * * Hey – thanks for … Continued
It’s a profound and powerful topic, explored honestly, in an engaging manner, and with a certain lightness and bounce that ultimately helps soften the blow.
Undoubtedly an eclectic, talented band, with lashings of integrity and soul to bring to the stage.
The Haunted North offer up an energizing live rock set – four original tracks, brought to you straight from the stage; complete with raw energy, passion, and that subtle crowd sound to remind you of the better days.