Infectious blues rock and roll pours through for this superb new single from alternatives Psychocide.
It’s a song for the fans, for the people, for the band, and it does precisely what we needed it to do.
Really unique writing, a style that feels nostalgic alongside a certain air of newness that’s incredibly commendable & rare these days. Well worth escaping into at volume this season.
Sublime guitar-work pairs the acoustic & electronic realms to lead us into this thoughtful & poetic soft-rock anthem from Eonian.
Originally written by Steve Winwood and Traffic, Dear Mr. Fantasy gets a fresh makeover – forming yet another addictive classic from rock’s one and only The R Train.
Featuring a hypnotic pairing of emotive piano and fiercely delicate electric guitar, Good Fight starts off strongly and continues to raise the bar throughout.
The UK’s own fast-rising indie rockers The Lunar Keys propel themselves even higher with this brilliantly provocative, conceptually poignant & musically beautiful new single.
Beautifully seductive verses pave the way alongside subtle yet satisfying guitar work, and always there’s this impressive, genuine core of intention & integrity to the writing & performance style.
A great riff often separates the great from the good, and here we get a recognisable yet softly complex, quickly impressive one, to lead us into what proves a beautifully explosive and passionate new anthem.
Alex Julia blends the raw acoustic world with indie rock experimentation as she leads us into this new, deeply personal collection of originals.
Brilliant rock vibes pour through with a fine fusion of classic progressive & contemporary song-writing for this brand new album from Baltimore’s Kevin Strasser.
The uniquely intriguing project Self-Theories tackles the concept of life-defining decisions – those we make based on our own belief systems & indeed stereotypes about both the world & ourselves.