“I was able to develop my music in a way that pleased me and provided me with what I had been missing for years: intimacy, openness, and fidelity in the sounds of music.”
Creatively unpredictable yet conceptually well-rooted, the brand new EP from producer and artist Purple Tones achieves impressive levels of both nostalgic embrace and unrivaled originality.
Skillfully capturing a precise and fairly profound balance between the delicacy of its artwork and the contrasting weight of the moment, Richard Maxwell delivers a brilliantly original collection of instrumentals.
Steve’s connection to classical instrumentation and the complexities that lie within that has evolved exponentially.
Heavy retro techno meets with crisp contemporary production, as Switzerland producer DJ MATEY releases a host of original tracks.
From one track to the next things continue to shift gears – heavy fuzz and distortion, melody and poetic wonder, moving into arbitrary statements and ambient space.
Re-crafting the space around you with faultless attention to detail, as ever – CRS-1 takes listeners down an entirely new audio pathway once again, with the depth and dramatic edge of SPACETIME.
“Oh, many artists and musicians find their way to this shrine, as it is associated with the deity of art, music and water.”
A thoughtfully-crafted new collection of intricate, cinematic compositions – designed to guide listeners through a Sacred Japanese landscape and wabi-sabi philosophy.
The live experience holds appeal, while the music presents a swirling realm of melody and rhythm, and the voice continues to pour through with equal parts seductive charm, personality and precision.
Introducing a bold fusion of styles in the form of what the band themselves define as Anti-western, 0101 deliver an addictively catchy, unique and uplifting style.
These qualities essentially blend professionalism, skill, and an unapologetic love for the playfulness of composition, and they stand tall throughout Acid Funk’s repertoire.