It feels like a familiar or recognisable, quirky pop-dance track, perhaps one from a slightly simpler time. There’s a touch of Daft Punk to the style of the progression & to that generally retro mood & vocal sound.

Electro PopPop

A pretty explosive two minute song that offers quite precisely the audio representation of its implied concept. The beat, the melody, the togetherness suggested by the chant-like gathering of voices – it all points in the direction of strength.

Alt PopPop

The rhythm of the song works really well in building around you something soothing. Elle Jae’s leading voice offers the effortless fluidity to carry the melody along in a manner that fits beautifully with the mood of the music.

Folk PopJazzPop

As the track comes to a close, the entrancing set-up works further magic. This idea of knowing the truth is underlined by every aspect of the song; every moment shows you something new.


Christian Heath knows how to write a pop song that feels all at once new & comfortingly familiar. The EP is well crafted, an easy choice for fans of alternative or upcoming pop with a dash of fresh personality. 
