It’s a rather poignant and relevant topic in today’s world – the age of Instagram and image-led success – perhaps songs and art of this nature will help remind us all of the real value in life, and the qualities and beauties that we can indeed hold on to.
Both tracks are superbly performed, written with care, and produced to a quality that allows you to really turn up the speakers and let go of the world for a while.
The song is an anthem for the introverts and misfits. It’s musically pure – not trying to be anything other than what it is; which reinforces brilliantly the very sentiment at the heart of the writing.
The Harmalators return this month with a pop-rock classic that celebrates the freedom of the weekend in a catchy way. Forever Friday kicks into gear with a downpour of synths and a mellow beat.
This is less about genre, more about artistry – creativity and music intertwined and heading wherever the moment takes them.
True Love is a stunner, nostalgically rooted in the warmth of classic indie rock, but also glowing with its own sense of honesty and emotion; something that pours through thanks to heartfelt and quickly impressive songwriting.
Play With Me is an anthem, a shared sentiment of togetherness – and a song we’ll almost certainly be hearing more of as the summer months and the festival season approaches.
That vocal tone and the style of these songs offers a distinct thread throughout, mood-wise though there’s plenty of eclecticism at work, and for these reasons the album makes for a wonderful playlist to escape within. A mighty follow-up to last year’s release.
What is basically an anthem for self-discovery and individuality, “Your Satisfaction is Fake” implores all of us to thoughtfully reflect on the contents of our being.
Without a doubt, Another Day Dawns is the next truly great rock band.
The quickest way to rise up and go fourth in this already saturated industry is by connecting yourself with already established industry professionals. That’s what I have been focused on doing more of for the past few months.
That’s the great thing about this song, it follows its own rules depending on what each moment needs. For the most part, this thick yet mellow, eighties style groove drives things – giving the song a mildly nostalgic feel, but at the same time still allowing it to hold close to this fresh and uplifting new sound.