Born out of live shows in the streets and subways of Munich, The Train Rockers bring a clear edge of experience and passion back to contemporary pop-rock.
Indie Rock
Time Machine is the kind of project that really lifts you out of your lull. Get thus collection in your headphones and start walking – just set the pace and go, keep going. See where the music takes you.
“We have cute nicknames for each other. We all love peppermint tea!”
Humility and heart bring a refreshing twist of joy and wonder to modern rock. Play It Cool is a rising gem this season.
The infamous events of November ’63 still reappear throughout literature, film and conversation, and the way Mutton Xops has framed the whole discussion adds a little more nuance to proceedings.
Aruba’s activemirror. light up the indie rock space with atmospheric and conceptual intention, for the immersive and dreamy new single I Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead Around Here.
Arena rock meets electronic nostalgia, as rising trio My My Sugar release the evocative and passionate new single Robot.
Effectively bridging the gap between unplugged trip hop, live rock and the likes of the xx, How Do You Do It Without Making It Nauseatingly Extravagant quietly speaks out on the implications of its title.
Classic indie rock and heartfelt integrity light up this openly reflective new album The Synthetic Orchid, from the UK’s own Liam Merrigan.
Indie rock intensity with soulful vocals and a dreamy shoe-gaze overtone makes up the sound and energizing vibe of Debbie Christ’s new double-anthem release.
An explosive introduction to a brand new rock EP loaded with hits, Michael Fordays blends poetry and pace, for Slowly Now.
High energy and lashings of optimism make up the bright indie sound of Pop Punk outfit Leisure Hour, as they delve into the fiercely nostalgic and catchy single Ivy Tech.