There’s something unbelievably personal & revealing about this particular track that effectively leads A Cat Named Felix down some new, previously undiscovered pathway.
Alt Pop
Stranger To Myself is a pure & artistic single that utilizes every element of music creation to make its point & to express itself.
The song appeals for its alternative nature & yet satisfies in the way that any great EDM or pop hit needs to. A winning combination.
Conceptually the song takes an interesting approach to expression. Nostalgia is soothing, it feels like a safety blanket from a time when things were less heavy or manic.
This fusion of yesteryear and today works in a refreshingly honest and endearing manner. The song is incredibly addictive and an easy joy to have pop up within any modern playlist.
Roddie Mira’s single No Loyalty is a huge track, everything about it screams style & professionalism intertwined.
This is alternative pop at its greatest. It has all the building blocks of a memorable hit, but it also has so much character & so much that is unpredictable.
That level of self-belief is contagious in a great way, and production-wise the song has been crafted brilliantly, so everything just works, everything stands tall when it should. Defiantly an artist to look out for.
There isn’t just one aspect of this song that makes it great, what makes it exceptional is how everything comes together so cohesively, even down to the backing vocals.
As a partner for the song, this is powerful, and notably unlike a lot of modern day videos you tend to stumble upon. Humans are interesting, and unique – we shouldn’t hide that. Realness is ultimately so valuable, as is art that embraces it.
One of his most intensely infectious riffs yet – a hard hitting, distorted synth set to wind its way into your consciousness in an instant. The track is heavy, ready to energize & uplift, the song’s subject matter leans in that direction too – offering motivation, a winner’s mentality.
I have a lot of raw emotion that I want to get out & I find writing music to be that for me. I can be expressive with my words & the beauty of it is, it can be interpreted to my listeners own personal experiences.