“The worst days will shape you in the best ways.” REXTHERAGER fuses passion and good intentions on this addictively melodic and energizing new track.
Alt Pop
Explorar encompasses the power of creativity and the ways we can artistically explore and express thoughts, feelings, and our existence within the world and a contemporary society.
If you’re looking for the kind of hip hop that bends and breaks the rules, toys with creativity and is as expressive and melodically minded as pop, though with a little more darkness and personal truth, GiDS’ Lose Me makes for a strong choice.
There’s no denying that La Roboká have a sound that’s purely theirs. The opening track alone pours through with such a fine display of contrast – operatic vocals meet with retro synths and high-energy drum lines, all of which creates an almost sci-fi-like, cinematic explosion before you.
Alexandria’s observations turn to the world around her, the poetic edge grows all the more impressive. The song quickly moves from good to great, a refreshing alternative to the bulk of modern pop and hip hop.
The music becomes somewhat more engaging and intense – appearing to freeze in the air around you, stealing the moment and holding it still. Complexity falls away as this overwhelming and uplifting moment of calm steps into view.
The simple country label doesn’t seem to quite cover the experience you get from the music, there’s something about the beats and the artist’s leading voice, even the scene setting, which leans in a slightly more alternative direction.
NYC’s IamOaks leads with a superb soundscape and a quickly addictive vocal rhythm on this track – throw in a smooth and memorable hook, a story-line that appeals to ambition and self-belief, and The Weekend is precisely the good-vibes track the upcoming summer months need.
Not only does his voice offer a subtle yet striking sense of purity & realness, but his words, the simplicity of his music – in contrast with the complexity of these poetic reflections on love & life – it allows you to turn it up loud & completely escape into the moment, feeling as if you understand; or you’re being understood.
This album proves itself to be a totally unique and consistently interesting project, reminiscent of some of the great hip hop acts from yesteryear – not just the bars, but the music, the melodies, the concepts.
Fresh from the project Cheltenham Calling, Failure Of The Family is a notably personal and revealing song that lays out The Darkhounds’ songwriter under an honest and somewhat vulnerable light.
As an introduction to Starchild, the song does a fine job of offering something new, professionally crafted, creative, and easy to connect with. That fusion of sadness and positivity is addictive, making fans of the track highly likely to return again and again to experience it.