Those memories that won’t leave, the daydream in direct opposition with reality; the elephant in the room. As the beat hits, Kimberly’s own delivery achieves a mild sense of urgency and passion, and the whole arrangement proceeds to tighten its emotional grip on the listener.


Smilee has made waves throughout the UK scene since the release of her debut single Wavelength back in 2020, and continues to build upon that with both precision and passion as a modern artist.


Produced by xjaelunax and featuring Simona’s unmistakably beautiful vocals, meandering through these quiet folk-pop verse-lines towards the uplift and colour of the hook, Vacant feels like a classic fusion of indie alternative and radio-ready pop.


There’s a certain humility and authenticity to On This Day, which blends wonderfully with the strength of songwriting and the absolute skill and substance of the leading performance. An impressive and likable Christmas single, from an artist clearly worth knowing about as 2023 nears its curtain call.

ChristmasRnBSoulSoul Pop

Deeply atmospheric trip-hop production meets with breathy and soulful vocals, for an RnB-fusion single that’s as evocative as it is mood-setting and ultimately uplifting. Vironnica delivers a seductive and catchy anthem of longing to connect, for the poetic and immersive Mirage.

Alt PopPopRnBSongwriterTrip Hop

Form the EP The Futurists, Time Flies marks a fine introduction to Popgang, a retro bass-line and ethereal guitar setting the foundation for a Damon Albarn-like vocal to softly blend expressive sentiments and references with a clear sense of character and heart.

Alt PopElectro PopPop Rock

Something refreshingly unexpected this week – bringing together the hypnotic embrace of rhythmic tribal techno and minimal house, with catchy melodic threads, multiple vocals, lashings of character and an overall addictive groove – Washington creative CHAMi lifts the mood with style, for GANGSTA.

Deep HouseDeep Minimal TechProducerTechno