The religious aspect runs deep within these songs and so for those who want to feel a connection to something greater than themselves, this EP offers a modern and ultimately very heartfelt take on faith and dedication to a higher power.
It is absolutely possible to write original songs in this era, the sort that draw no comparisons but feel completely expressive and fresh. Chantitown proves that consistently with this project.
The openness, the realness, and the calming aura of the music, all fuses well to create something valuable – something that does precisely what we expect from music in the first place; it lets us escape the noise of the world for a while.
The band manage to maintain a brilliantly skillful balance between intense levels of energy and a delicate emotional honesty; even vulnerability.
There’s an inherent connection between the voice and the words expressed by it, which seems like a simple touch but it’s something often lacking in modern pop – it’s also something that can’t really effectively be faked.
Phillip Carrington gets freely creative on this EP Alpha. There’s no single instrument that is the heart of this project, just a thoroughly artistic connection to music itself.
Social Media Sadness in full is easy to escape within and it showcases some superb creativity and professionalism from a music production perspective. There are also plenty of ideas within worth considering at this time in our lives.
If you’re searching for a playlist this winter that feels seasonal – brings warmth, calm, togetherness – but that doesn’t quite line up with the big-band, vocal-driven feel of the majority of releases, Winter Romance is easily worth a look.
Jony Shelby gets impressively creative throughout this EP Mango. His production style and his use of melody with dashes of hip hop all fuses well to create something atmospheric and appealing on a number of levels.
The raw energy and vibrancy of real rock and roll is well and truly due a comeback right about now; The Former Knights are undoubtedly working on that for all of us.
There’s plenty of room in modern music for songwriters who put so much of themselves into their work – and who manage to maintain a clear and likable thread of individuality at the same time. Love, Future You is a joy to listen to in full.
The Blankz are beginning to become something well worth tuning in for as a go-to soundtrack and indeed an unmissable live band – hopefully next summer sees Festival season scoop them up.