Openly inspired by the haunting & melodic yet darkly poetic tones of Evanescence, Adelaide’s Matiah drives with equally expressive, smooth yet emotive vocals, and notably honest, passionate lyrics.
The sound a little unorthodox, and this comes to be a known trait of Aveli Amun – creative freedom, concept first, expression utilising whatever’s needed to make the point and set the mood.
While Kid Apollo undoubtedly has a style that appeals and is genuinely immersive and likeable, it’s also incredibly unpredictable – these are artistic audio experiences, designed to focus on certain feelings in a wholly hypnotic, provocative fashion.
Utilising quickly catchy yet mellow melodies & beautifully thoughtful, intimate lyrics, the EP brings together classic folk-pop songwriting with a contemporary finish & decidedly unique vocals.
Smooth and soulful vocals lead us through a Gospel-soaked vocal ambiance, complete with thoughtful, heartfelt and poetic lyrics, as Jawan’s new EP Aligned softly pours into the room.
An artist impossible to pigeon-hole, Zoser leaves listeners wondering what he might do next – where the music will take him, what production style it will adopt, which topic he’ll explore. A great singer, rapper, writer & all round artist.
Bringing together contemporary rap tones & subtly catchy melodies, the songwriting tips its hat to the modern landscape, whereas the production takes more of a creatively free approach – combining organic layers of jazz with a mildly vintage series of synths & industrial beats.
Dan Wande (DW) offers up a superb three-track project that quickly & consistently envelops listeners in this swirling, chaotically beautiful world of classic rock intensity.
Strong melodies and a unique fusion of classic & creative production – the music of Fox in Oil focuses on pop sensibilities along-side a free & uninhibited sense of expression & passion
Stylishly blending a dreamlike yet rising soundscape & beat, with a higher-toned vocal style & writing manner similar to that of The Weeknd, Proper Einstein sets the mood with ease throughout this new RnB release Commercials.
Lifelong producer & musician DW has released a plethora of original projects in recent years, not least of all the concise yet striking rock EP that is Way Back.
L3ON5 makes fine use of the creative tools at his disposal, and maintains an ever-professional approach, which fuses beautifully with this youthful & emotive artistic core.