Not until you’ve let the music rain down on you in full – which it does, the sound of rain is consistent – not until then does it really release you from the fast pace of modern life and let you realise the stillness of being.
I cannot encourage you enough to experience Alexandre Perotto’s music at the earliest convenience. It’s a blessing to have such an artist among us, and this collection in full is consistently outstanding.
Steve Wheeler has poured endless passion, time & skill into this music. The detail & the overall rush the album gives you is breathtaking. A timeless collection & clearly the work of a creative at the top of his game.
Martin Lucassen’s songwriting & musical presentation reach superb new heights on this latest album. For more than few a reasons – it’s quite possibly his best collection to date.
Cavalier brings through a collection of clearly heartfelt, emotional & open songs that drive with the artist’s warm, accessible leading voice & the simple organic strum of a guitar.
Rather than seeking out track after track or relying upon playlists that randomly mix, Bongo Boy Records make discovering new music easy with their new take on music television.
Colin Read has balanced warming pop-rock grooves with deeply reflective, endearing lyrics on this album – making for a collection that’s a joy to have play for you; both for its welcoming musicality & its unwavering realness & truth.
The album Robot Raven Rockers brings together a whopping 18 original songs that collectively showcase the absolute best of the band’s abilities and raw energy.
Alien Skin’s fine balance between entrancing rhythms & fragments of provocative ideas is fascinating & gives the listener a strange sense of privilege; as if this exclusive experience has only been had by the lucky few.
He writes to remind himself to act & in doing that he offers the audience a similar feeling – an infectious energy that pushes you to take steps towards your goals.
Twelve tracks & not a single moment is filler or worth skipping over – far from it. I could listen to this three times in the day & not tire of it. It’s been a while since that was the case.
Straight Six take you back a couple of decades with authentically fast-paced, gritty rock & roll on this album – the sort that fills you with fire and an energetic lust for life. Full Circle hits hard from the offset.