What stands the tallest about this version of Where Is My Mind is Costi’s rap verse, particularly that opening set of bars – it comes so unexpectedly & proceeds to effortlessly pour these fresh ideas & rhymes out to you in a calm yet confident way.
Rebecca Cullen
I have serious doubts about the future of rock & roll. I don’t really hear anyone doing it. It’s a lot of DJs & rappish kind of stuff, singing to a backing track or jam bands & tribute/cover bands, which I don’t get at all. It’s like why would you go see people playing other people’s music?
The musicianship presents an impressive & vast collaboration. Goodreid’s voice & songwriting style, his genuine nature, his unstoppable imagination – it all makes for a playlist that’s unlike anything else you’re likely to hear right now.
The more you listen, the more this initially dark seeming ambiance evolves into something hopeful & bright. You can hear it in any number of ways, as is the synth-pop code.
Claudia Meyer has a beautifully appealing leading voice & the music on this project supports & enhances that natural ability in a mighty way. It’s a pleasure to listen in full.
Daniel has done well to create something unique. What’s interesting about this song though is that musically it appears as a totally alternative, beautifully alt-pop sort of track, satisfying yet incredibly unusual & constantly in conflict with its own energy.
Battle Scars is a totally smooth & easily recognisable song. It feels fresh, mellow, creative, and it presents audiences with the sound of an artist who knows his intentions & his influences, and drives with individuality regardless – in a subtle but certain way.
The music moves you, every song has some sort of emotional effect, which by the end leaves you feeling as if you’ve just completely re-evaluated your existence & are ready to take steps in a new direction.
Great vibes a-plenty from The Fell Swoop this rainy Sunday. Straight from the soulful swagger of San Francisco, the band offer classic funk & soul with an added flicker of pop-songwriting; fit to fill the boots of any of history’s funkiest live bands.
Nadel Paris is no stranger to creativity & this song highlights her awareness of what works in pop music, as well as her passion for singing & her desire to promote love & peacefulness. It speaks proudly on behalf of possibility & of enjoying life as much as possible.
This sort of energy & perspective hasn’t made waves in this manner since punk-rock first took over the airwaves & the live scene. The organic, acoustic energy of the band makes for an enjoyably rhythmic & quite delicate take on rat-race angst & unstoppable passion.
Bruce Lee was a hero of mine growing up, I’ve probably seen Enter The Dragon more times than any other movie. He was ahead of his time, not just in terms of martial arts & being an Asian actor, but he was also a great philosopher. He was a maverick & made no apologies.