The whole thing feels like a live, in the moment, unedited outburst of expression & personal turmoil. As he wanders off creatively into his thoughts & into this moment, you can’t help but follow him.

Rebecca Cullen
The track veers off down its own unexpected pathways, feeling partly inspired by the passionate meandering melodies of The Weeknd, partly feeling fresh from the hands of an experimental, well-experienced & skillful producer.
Pakø is laying a strong and lasting foundation for himself as a producer, staying true to his own creative desires but also paying close attention to what works and what has an impact in the music world.
A track you might turn to for its cool or stylish production style, but equally for its passionate performances, its intriguing presentation of ideas of dominance, and its overall sense of personality.
Throughout this project you get a series of stories that appear close to the songwriter’s heart & experiences in life. It feels personal, but the details are accessible – even vague – so they can easily be applied to the lives of listeners far & wide.
Not only do you get the alternative hip hop vibe from the music, but you get some intriguing & refreshing lyricism as well – AJAXX’92 thinks deeply on his content & on life, and there’s value in that when it comes to choosing music to escape to.
Surrendering is a huge track, a refreshing and hard-hitting, emotional rock release that paints a whole new picture of the band and what they’re about.
It’s a powerful playlist in itself, in all honesty. The louder you listen, the more immersive the experience becomes. It’s authentic, heartfelt music to escape to.
You can’t predict anything on this project, Callison’s songs follow their own rules entirely. He’s a performer, not merely a singer. A live show is not something you’ll want to miss out on.
This album moves from good to great the further you get into it – this latter half increases your belief in that significantly. The second time you listen to these songs they hit with a whole new level of impact.
Jay Jai is using his voice and his creative professionalism to say things worth listening to, and he’s doing it in a stylish yet genuine way.
Nevermind pours just a few seemingly simple elements into a deep cavern of creativity, and the result is this quickly uplifting, energetic song, and yet another unexpected hit.