Lorine Chia has a sound that is undeniably hers, and the way she floats through the stages of the track, with softness yet intention, is beautifully captivating; and genuinely refreshing amidst today’s musical landscape.

JazzPopSoul PopTrip-Hop

The awesome Hum Fuzz sit down for a quality chat at this year’s superb Funk In The Forest. The Festival debuted in style this summer, just outside of Welshpool… Easily one of the best and most exciting smaller UK Festivals to emerge in recent years. 

“The song explodes into its final field, reverting back to this idea of the land of hope and glory, these references to death and suffering; the music is heavy and chaotic, vibrant and loud, and the vocal offers a similar level of madness and desperation as the words pour through.”

Alt RockProgressive RockRock

The track works hard structurally, and Annika as a leading lady works equally hard to maintain that level of smooth & simple good times. The song is not overly optimistic or loud, far from it – there’s a subtlety to the warmth & enjoyment it drives with, and this is a big part of why it works so well & is likely to appeal on a much broader level.


Following the release of his superb new album Drank & Bottled Up Emotions, we were blessed with the opportunity to interview artist and rapper Byron Bank, to find out more about his creative process, his thoughts on modern rap, and his hopes for the future. Here’s the conversation in full.  * * * Hi Byron – thanks so … Continued
