One of our generation’s most prolific and insightful, compelling poets, Ultra_eko blends a dreamlike, piano-led ambiance, with faultless vocals; delivering bar after bar, or page after page of the story, while barely pausing to breathe.

Rebecca Cullen
Written some years ago, during a time of depression and unsettling self-doubt, Panic works hard to overcome the fear of failure – to see regret as a greater threat to the future.
El Viaje showcases a sense of cinematic awareness, cleverly blending thoughtful attention to detail with a clearly intentional underlying energy that wholly and boldly represents each changing stage of the journey.
Monique Monge hosts the autobiographical deep-dive that is The Lifeatarian – a podcast offering a plethora of personal stories that unite hardship with hope, and realness with unwavering possibility.
Balancing his personal story with an unwavering sense of possibility and dedication, the single impresses on multiple levels, introducing an artist with a clear skill for writing, performance, and sound design all at once.
Balancing stellar production with a crisp, clean finish, a big bass-line, and a notably contemporary tone – On God tops off a likable experience with an impressive hit of identity and style.
Introducing Lady Jay with professionalism & passion united, Anywhere You Dey is an eclectic & world-music-inspired project of smooth musicality & soulful anthems alike.
Emerging complete with an accomapnying video loaded with high energy good vibes, performance shots & summertime scenes, Island Way proves the perfect antidote to a long winter.
Calotype organically fuse intimate songwriting and the raw, genuine sound of in-the-moment pop-rock throughout this wonderfully melodic, reflective new album Hosts and Ghosts.
“Our music will never stand still for me – if you regurgitate the same thing because it sells, that’s not art.”
Drew DeLeon balances a fully immersive, dreamlike soundscape with a smooth melody and a clear sense of intention for his latest single All In.
This fusion between confidence and humility is an entire vibe, and if this single is a relevant taste of what’s to come, the new album is undoubtedly set to be one well worth knowing about.