One of our generation’s most prolific and insightful, compelling poets, Ultra_eko blends a dreamlike, piano-led ambiance, with faultless vocals; delivering bar after bar, or page after page of the story, while barely pausing to breathe.

Hip HopTrip Hop

Monique Monge hosts the autobiographical deep-dive that is The Lifeatarian – a podcast offering a plethora of personal stories that unite hardship with hope, and realness with unwavering possibility.

Balancing his personal story with an unwavering sense of possibility and dedication, the single impresses on multiple levels, introducing an artist with a clear skill for writing, performance, and sound design all at once.

Hip Hop

Balancing stellar production with a crisp, clean finish, a big bass-line, and a notably contemporary tone – On God tops off a likable experience with an impressive hit of identity and style.

Hip HopRnB