The song leads with contemporary references that help ignite a whole new era of songwriting that holds close to relationship turmoil but makes it all the more relevant to a modern audience.
This is, ultimately, a powerful and a quite stunning piece of writing and performance, that builds up and falls away gorgeously. The rest of the album appeals all the more so for the purity and realness offered up here.
Morning Inspiration is everything the jazz and blues fan needs in order to rise up and face the day with a smile – it’s also increasingly impressive from a musical perspective, adding further fuel to the fire and helping cement this as a go-to project.
Jenae Ailia creatively balances delicately soulful songwriting with contemporary sound design on this heartfelt and emotionally loaded new EP.
HazyJane shine brightly with a classic and comforting pop-rock sound on this latest EP. The conceptually framed project unites the four seasons – Temporibus being a Latin term for in the times or seasons.
Jacob Seeger’s vocal melts hearts on this new release. Backed up by a simple and fairly retro, unusually quirky backdrop, there are as many fresh and energizing qualities to Down as there are those that feel familiar and comforting.
Shani sparkles in true summer fashion with this latest release. Emerging complete with a classically styled video and a retro soundscape, Everything fuses the best of yesteryear with a fresh vocal and a string of contemporary references; helping create a perfectly accessible vibe for mainstream music fans across the board.
A stunning collection of moments strung together on a chain of pop nous. Gorgeous.
We Are the People chops along at a healthy pace, and before long you may begin to notice your foot has been coerced into tapping along. Unless of course you are encountering Bucko’s five minute slab of uplifting trance at a venue, in which case you won’t be reading this because you’ll already be dancing.
In Holy Ghost, we have an extraordinary single. It seems to want to ignore conventional structure (and conventional wisdom) to be a stand-alone sonic delight.
The energy of the song rises up slowly but in a rhythmically entrancing manner, seeming to wash over you like a wave, the bigger moments crashing into action before the sound drags back out to sea – leaving you with only that whisper of an idea.
Sounding like it could have been culled from Justin Timberlake’s Man of the Woods album (in a good way), What You Didn’t Say is a complex and satisfying single that benefits hugely from the way that Alan’s voice meshes with itself to create a warm and satisfying pad of sound that elevates the chorus to something quite delicious.