The unmistakable Lost Platypus strikes again with another fresh and colourful indie pop anthem.
Thoughtful, ambient trip-hop, with an unexpectedly heavy wash of synths, and contrastingly delicate, intimate vocals – weaving around listeners a tale of equal intimacy, personal longing and uncertainty within a relationship.
Love And Let Die strikes with pure rock power, multiple layers of detail, that long-missed live sound and energy, and gives off more of a broad experience than simply a catchy or hooky single.
The whole thing is loaded with imagery, unity, passion, and somewhat mysterious reflections on modern life.
Organic guitar finger-picking with a mildly effected, almost medieval-style tone leads us into this acoustic & passionate delivery from Melbourne couple Julius & Cheryl Bergado.
An artist impossible to pigeon-hole, Zoser leaves listeners wondering what he might do next – where the music will take him, what production style it will adopt, which topic he’ll explore. A great singer, rapper, writer & all round artist.
Ryan Voss and the band set the scene with ease, laying bare a heavy outlaw vibe with the raw sound of classic rock, and a story-line that openly showcases its roots in country.
Stylishly blending nostalgic hip hop tones with the literal nostalgia of a cassette release, Sampo Ikonen celebrates two years of indie production with high quality rappers throughout this superb new album.
Songwriter and musician David Arn joins forces with singer Ava Hart for this acoustic & intimate portrayal of love & parenting in the realm of autism.
Rarely, if ever, has the voice in someone’s head been addressed in such a poetic, emotionally compelling, and strangely immersive fashion.
Yes And No Band have a certain endearing humility about their music, and indeed regarding their online presence. The songs mean something very real & powerful, which is clear…
Bringing together contemporary rap tones & subtly catchy melodies, the songwriting tips its hat to the modern landscape, whereas the production takes more of a creatively free approach – combining organic layers of jazz with a mildly vintage series of synths & industrial beats.