Astral Planes is beautiful, a late night anthem for hip hop and trip hop fans alike. There’s a smooth pop groove to the whole thing, plus a clean finish yet one that still lets the dreamlike aura of the backdrop wash over you in a hypnotic way.
As the founder of JYM, Jeshua’s intention is to inspire and motivate those with creative tendencies to work hard and aim high with their projects – something we can easily get behind.
The @if’s latest release reacts to 2019’s National Women’s Day, on March 8th. The song quickly brings through the band’s unmistakable creativity, offering a slightly Americana-inspired musicality and a rather heavy anthem that’s quickly memorable. The @if’s approach to this song is seemingly to address feminism from, as implied by the title, the perspective of … Continued
These are artistic presentations, so the rhythm and the set-up is just as important as the lyrics in expressing the underlying sentiments, and that’s something thinkbendy naturally holds close to.
What first emerges here as a simple folk sound, soon shows its true colors as a much more broadly influenced, heartfelt and warm presentation of stunning songwriting. Justin has built this with intention, and you can hear the various layers and intricacies emerging one by one as you make your way through the short collection.
Decho offers up some awesomely enjoyably vibes on this latest track Blame – bringing together elements of reggae and contemporary RnB, with a flicker of hip hop and a heavy yet mellow-paced beat…
Anarchy You Can Dance Too is a heavy new track that fuses a thick wall of distorted darkness with gritty and equally dark writing.
Had To Grind draws strength from the simple fact that ‘Struggle has made more winners than privilege ever could’. That intro sets the bar high in itself, and the track that follows absolutely keeps it up there
Jaeden Zoe has the sort of naturally soulful and powerful leading voice that could carry just about any pop song through with weight and intention. Her latest single, Cabana Love, just so happens to emerge as bringing together a range of unexpected influences, furthering her reach as an artist and offering a genuinely enjoyable and refreshing groove.
“What inspired me was the contentment of being single but also the inner longing to find someone to share life with. It was also the feeling of being tired of going from one broken relationship to another.”
The sound is easy to lose yourself within, that hook resounds around you, envelops you, and even when the rap vocal comes into play the mood still keeps you captive.
Cplus keeps thing mellow and apologetically pure on this single. That leading voice is one that undoubtedly offers personality – a level of identity and something for fans to connect with and come back for.