Something different – that word we’re always searching for without really knowing what will satisfy it. Enter TK 390, with an intoxicatingly fast-paced classical piano piece, which proves as brief as it is striking and memorable in impact.
Saudi Arabia--Asia
PMKS’ present yet another new release this month with their version of David Bowie’s Heroes – re-imagined in this case as a pro gun control anthem.
The question is one that might call upon audiences to react in a certain way, (or to go ahead & Google the answer, if you aren’t entirely sure). In reality, the song is about expressing a level of empathy & sadness at the lack of such empathy from men in certain cultures.
Bringing back the rhythm, melody & chaotic structuring of their classic punk-rock fusion, P.M.K.S add to their ever-growing musical catalogue with the characterful, Bowie-esque The Catwalk Assassins.
One of the most musically exploratory & lyrically interesting releases of P.M.K.S so far. Nothing like you might imagine a Valentine’s Day single to be, but that’s a huge part of its appeal.
The structure of the song is unexpected, which makes it appear as quite fresh, and this is definitely one of the best vocal performances so far from PMKS, in my opinion. At over five minutes long the creative drive has been met here with a distinct awareness of how to craft a song.
The raw energy of punk rock makes for an unexpected approach to Christmas music. A new concept, a fresh melody, an organic yet subtly heavy musicality.
Something a little bit different, a breakaway from the political norm & a recording that lays bare a more personal & somewhat vulnerable side to the band.
I’m not afraid to voice my opinions on politics, religion or sex. I believe nationalism to be one of the biggest barriers to a peaceful planet.
An open plea to those who haven’t involved themselves in politics or who see voting as pointless. The point is if you don’t vote, your voice won’t be heard.
The voice of the resistance, an anti-trump expression of freedom in the form of a creatively unique & impossible to ignore musical outpouring.
The energy of the music, the distortion, the raw, punk-rock sound of the leading vocal, all reflect the subject matter of the lyrics with awesome relevance.