Cool, calm & stylish, spacious & creative. Senior’s leading voice has depth & character, softly & quite seductively delivering the descriptive & easy going song in a smartly dressed fashion.
You feel a little as if you’re lifting off with the rising energy of the performance. And still that blissfully delicate guitar riff plays out behind all of this.
Even having heard the project in full, there’s a lot left to the imagination – there are still many questions about the meanings of these songs & the feelings involved in the creative process; as was often the case with genuine grunge & alternative rock music.
Goodreid pours his soul into the performance, the passion & the sheer degree to which he loses himself within the music is immense.
A refreshingly hard-hitting collection that’s over-flowing with nostalgically infectious rock & roll rhythms & vibes
There’s something really soothing about this piece of music & writing. The simplicity of the soundscape is a part of this, Syke E’s voice is another – his tone fits perfectly with the mood set by the instrumentation.
Suburban Wildlife is a project that won my affection within just a few seconds. The crisp, warming sound of an acoustic guitar, a smooth & genuine leading voice, a comforting melody & a series of lyrics that offer both imagery & human reflection – what’s not to like?
The only thing that would potentially top playing this at full volume as you dive deeper into Friday night would be a live show from Billy Roberts & the Rough Riders.
It’s a pleasure to get to embrace these original works. Hopefully many more people continue to discover & connect with them in the near future.
Statements about life & growing older have the potential to connect with all of us. It’s a universal topic, but it’s not commonly talked about in popular music. Matt Purcell has approached this in a beautiful way.
The music builds from something quite mellow into something that is much more emotionally loaded & passionate – complete with chaotic drums & a freely wandering guitar solo.
The songwriting combined with the leading voice are what really make this project stand out. It’s refreshing to hear this genre making waves, what’s even more refreshing though, is how interesting, unexpected, and provocative so much of the writing is.