“Tyler, the Creator really inspired me a whole bunch, so does Stevie Wonder, The Beach Boys, and the Beatles.”
“I still struggle with repeating choruses for some reason, but, hey, it’s a work in progress.”
“We’re a band for the people. We know life has its ups and downs, and we’re not going to pretend that it doesn’t have those highs and lows.”
“This is going to be a year of celebration. Getting back to the new normal after Covid. More new country releases and more shows to come!!!”
“Out of everything I felt during that time — grief, rejection, loneliness, anger, embarrassment — the confusion was probably the most unbearable. I really could not fathom how the beginning had led to the end and I tried so, so hard to make sense of it.”
“I’m rather accomplished in martial arts. I’d guess you wouldn’t expect it, but I’m a black sash (belt) instructor of a style of Wing Chun kung fu, actually. I teach it to my daughter to help her be capable of defending herself.”
“We never doubt our instincts, We trust our ears, if it sounds right it usually is… We don’t wait to be told our songs are good, We know it when we write one.”
“I feel like whenever I start on a project, there always has to be something new.”
“Always push your ideas a little bit beyond the obvious and see what’s there.”
“Sometimes I have dreams with songs. It’s rare but when it happens I can hear the full band, production, it’s a pretty cool moment. Trying to record it half-asleep when you wake up and capture the production, though, is a whole other task!”
“Pushing back as a female in the music industry does not necessarily make you a lot of friends, but my dream in life wasn’t to ‘make friends.’ It was to be a musician.”
“I think the biggest thing is I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on things with some time off. And one of the things that I did during that time of the pandemic is I’ve purchased and now possess Omnisphere.”