We’ve known each other and have been friends forever and we all have played music together. This is the first band we’ve been in to really take seriously.
“I’m a music producer first and foremost, I love making beats but also pulling together the various aspects of a record. Connecting the dots is my specialty!”
“It helps being a drummer and also working music production because all instruments need groove.”
“I am a versatile writer and performer. Instead of cornering myself into one genre like most artists do early on, I prefer to step outside of the box, fuse multiple influences, and create something unique!”
“K Pop shows up way more on my Spotify playlists than metal. Most people introduce me as a metalhead because of the clothes I wear and shows I go to but if they’d be shocked to hear what’s often playing in my headphones.”
“Life is a precious gift, you only have one and so are our hopes and dreams. We can often get restricted by our own minds or what we are led to believe.”
“It is slept on in my opinion, that song is one of my best works to date.”
“It is more important for me to be authentic. I have to really resonate with the message. I don’t see that ever changing.”
“Sometimes I have a very clear vision, and other times I will let the music to come to me as though out of the ether.”
Me deciding what I want to do is usually based on my mood and me waking up one day and saying “I don’t wanna sing sad songs anymore, let’s do something else”.
“It’s easy to feel like you’re nailing it when playing, but if you listen back you might say, ‘Oh wait, we actually speed up 10 BPM in the choruses’.”
“I love being able to sing my songs, perform for a live audience and continue to inspire others through music.”