The band return with a beautifully melodic and instantly classic sounding song, reminding us of everything we first loved about them – and so much more.
Listen to the instruments used; the riffs, the moments when everything plays at once – there’s a real scene built up by all of the sounds and ideas in this.
The kind of album you can switch on at the end of a hard day, to let this whole new world of music and thoughts just wash away your troubles for a while.
Falling is a track that sounds like any strong & smooth pop song should, yet the artist brings a brand new energy and positivity to the scene.
Soaring, plaintive vocals and chimerical guitar playing are at the forefront of an introspective and ethereal soundscape.
This is song writing at it’s most experimental, exuding freedom, and expression of whatever it is the artist needs to express.
It’s a gorgeous song.. one that really makes you think – as does much of the rest of Will Adams’ music.
What you’re experiencing is a vibrant array of beauty & thought, artistically presented by someone who is musically experienced and skillful. It’s stunning.
The backing track is striking, the storytelling equally attention grabbing and captivating. Every line seems to reach into your head space and your soul.
This particular collection of songs works so extremely well as an entity, as a whole piece of art – the way we used to think of the idea of an album.
The whole concept behind Strobe Light Eye is one that has not, to my knowledge, been explored in music before. It’s a completely new angle.
I’ve met a great number of people I admire. They all have their own stories/demons and it’s great to see when they get a good opportunity.