His unwavering honesty is refreshing, particularly among such a unique fusion of organic and electronic pop elements. The sound is relevant and classic all at once – his voice and his ideas seem perfectly catered to today’s world.
Jerad Finck is making waves with his music right now and this latest release, a SEAWAVES remix of his single New Kids, is helping immensely with creating that storm.
As an early taster from the upcoming album Director’s Cut, Troy Petty’s I Am The Dark is an unforgettable introduction to the artist’s intense rock sound and creative musical craft-work. The piece builds in detail and intensity throughout, following the thick roll of a dramatic drum-line, given depth and humanity by a notably passionate and unique leading voice – … Continued
The song’s latter half – mainly the outro, the meeting of every instrumental layer as the hook gathers momentum, makes for a huge moment that’s close to impossible to not feel involved in.
As a survivor, Shamim is able to offer a balance between the third person narrative and a little more of the emotions and the thought processes that accompany a life under the thumb of addiction.
For Me deals with difficulties from the past & the lasting effects they can have on a person’s life. The lyrics are undoubtedly what grab you at first, the opening lines detail the where, the who & the what, and it feels like turmoil & sadness, but slowly you hear this being overcome.
Erick Grant offers music fans a stunning set of vocals, the sort that lean back and forth between the almost whispered and the soulful and mighty – even a little reminiscent of Eddie Vedder.
This is original EDM at the dawn of its meeting with the pop vocalists of the world – there’s something smooth & calming about the drop, it’s not intense or overly attention grabbing, it just softly draws you in even more so than before.
The whole thing utilizes these various musical stages to build something emotionally compelling & poignant around the listener. Great songwriting, original & intent on connecting in a pure & powerful way.
“I was told I couldn’t sing, that I wasn’t good enough on guitar & that I sucked as a musician. Each time I was told I wasn’t good enough I tried harder, to the point where I have evolved into the artist I am now. Now I make music for the love.”
Ed Hale is a fantastic songwriter – this album is driven by a fine fusion of this and a totally enjoyable, eclectic and impressive array of musicianship. Hale’s voice offers a certain meeting between indie-rock grit and singer-songwriter delicacy, the songs feel upbeat but calm – energizing yet welcoming.
Alexis is a project that has been compiled with care and professionalism alike – you can hear this in the music, alongside of passion and positivity, every step of the way. Gerred has put so much of himself into the album, and it works.