To choose just one song from this collection would be like using only one colour from the pallette to create your latest painting. The playlist in full is where the real experience comes from – an absolute pleasure to stumble upon and well worth journeying into.
The song progresses and evolves much like a short film – the intensity rises, the passion builds and subsequently explodes as the band reach their emotional peaks; united in this tightly packed moment of well-organised musical mayhem.
What You Want is a release that successfully walks the line between melancholy and optimism, feeling cool and calm, serious yet rooted in musical expression; to the extent that it makes certain you’re swept away on the moment.
The Gonetcha sound as it stands today is easy to spot – there’s plenty of individuality in the approach, and just enough familiarity to really appeal to the indie-rock outcasts who crave that original, authentic aura.
An increasingly impressive band. The live show is undoubtedly where things would really connect, but in terms of seeking out that album or playlist within which you can immerse yourself and feel involved in something, perhaps even understood; this collection is everything you could hope for.
An emotional yet still cinematic journey, into which the leading singer pours soulful poetry – weaving around you a beautifully ambient blanket of warmth. This is a personal favourite from Glorybots to date, and an easy song to escape within.
The band’s sound is classic, not instrumentally groundbreaking but strong enough to impress and entertain. What gives them their edge though is the songs, the approach, the heart.
The members of Iron Core have an incredible talent to craft deceptively catchy rock tunes that, much like their inspirations, are just dripping with attitude and sex appeal, and are just a whole lot of fun.
My approach to creativity? I often go for a walk through Heidelberg, open my eyes, open my ears and just let my thoughts flow. At some point creativity kicks in. That gives me an idea. But then I need to play around with it – I prefer to do that on my own.
The energy of the track is sky high and the recording allows the band’s strengths to really stand tall and appeal to our inner party addicts.
The entire video is enthralling from start to finish – a joy to lose yourself within, and well-crafted to the point that you really feel no need to distinguish this from (or compare it to) the original or other versions.
Genre and stylistic labels aside for a moment, Jonni Lost drive with superb songwriting on this EP – Hang On is an immediately likable song that quickly grows to be an addictive and rather unforgettable track; with timeless qualities.