Won’t Let Go is an unusual track, but it plays this card with confidence and style. There are sudden moments at which the beat falls away, laying bare a change in melody, a change in tone and passion, and these help elevate the song to greater plains.

Alt PopPopRnBTrip Hop

Fusing melody and rap, clever references and long-form bars alongside quick rhymes, the single showcases a range of talents and a genuine thread of personality that introduces the G-Pak sound with style and intention.

DancehallHip HopRnB

Contrasting big beats and a warm, synth-led soundscape, with the absolute delicacy of a higher-toned vocal lead, Las Olas proves as exotic and ambient as its title implies, and introduces Pariz Noir in a uniquely memorable way.

Alt PopElectro PopPopRnB

There’s a creative heart here, one that sees Pac Marly toy with the very structure of the music, moving seamlessly from melody to rap; meeting a slight dance-hall bounce with the darkness and integrity of authentic hip hop.

Hip HopRnB