Professionalism and passion as ever guide the greatest songs and productions into the light. Enter artist and producer Jatzu, with an engaging and rather seamless blend of Latin and Reggaetón vibes, presented by way of a handful of gorgeously performed and faultlessly written original tracks.


Florida’s Zach Ryan Haller, known to the scene as ZRH, aims high this year with the launch of his exotic album Shirtless. From this, the single Rendezvous showcases the limitless creativity of the ZRH sound – a unique take on English-language reggaeton, built out of collaboration with Spanish composer Alex English.

Alt PopPopReggaeton

Melodically more fluid and complex than a first listen betrays, Our New Plan plays with texture in subtle ways, with keys and guitar and percussion swapping prominence throughout the track, with a warm bass line providing energy and heart throughout.
