Has the strength & character of the original, yet there’s an undeniable depth of emotion. You can hear the passion, the inspiration, even the sadness.
The songwriting is refreshingly honest & reflective of the upfront reality of life. The depth & soul of any great singer, beaming with individuality.
The purity of acoustic guitar picking, the sensational pairing of the two voices; a gorgeously structured, incredibly thoughtful piece of songwriting.
A powerful & ultimately very real collection of songs, from an artist with a clear sense of character & style of songwriting. Well worth experiencing.
These are issues most listeners can relate to, expressed in a very genuine, even vulnerable manner. An intriguing & thoughtful artist.
Skilfully chasing these varying emotions with a flawless vocal stream of notes, always offering some poetic reflection of the inner turmoil of being human.
It’s a pleasure to listen to & it comes with a message of truth, that music is this universal tool for everyone to share & connect with others through.
The brightness & bounce of the music is clear from the offset. Jackson Howard’s voice is laid bare, so you get a genuine, honest feel from the whole thing.
A true songwriter. The songs portray superb & often charming stories that need to be told, in whatever manner the artist & the mood deem worthy.
The artist’s unique perspective is well worth listening to, the added benefit of course is that the music surrounding this is ever creative & clever.
The delivery has a sort of spoken word style to it, a presentation of poetry, questioning lyrics, deep thought, consideration.
The art forms go together superbly; the video is a peaceful outpouring that feeds into the concept of this pocketful of something that can’t long be held.