The single has a White Stripes-esque pace & stomp to it, with short verses and a brilliantly immersive, addictive sudden energy & fullness for the chorus.
Electronic Rock
Haunting world-music vibes kick up a creatively immersive Death Of A Star from producer Ninegrass’ new project Haha Jokes!
It suggests uncertainty, reinforcing the mood and lyrics of the surrounding song, and this uncertainty is what makes the whole thing connect so beautifully.
Introducing a brilliantly crisp and warm rock sound, with soulful vocals taking a little inspiration from the likes of Prince as much so as the heavier bands of the nineties.
Heavy bass-work and psychedelic solos intertwine amidst a simple, short yet striking melody to introduce this uniquely intriguing single from Cluster 0.
Fantastic song-writing, fresh & engaging, easily memorable. Hopefully this is a strong indication of what we can look forward to from Jon Omen as the months & years go by.
Driving right along the edge of contemporary genre fusing, MACKAVON injects emotive song-writing into an electronic rock sound and style for a truly immersive, addictive hit of modern alt-pop and conceptual poignance.
The emo-rap mood of the past decade meets with a rock-soaked instrumental set-up to give POPSTARR’s music a sound of its own.
Progressing from vocally suggestive, eighties-esque beginnings, through increasingly intense alternative EDM realms, an aptly titled Power starts off the project with an immense level of identity & strength.
Love Ghost were already one of the most interesting and memorable bands to emerge in recent years, and this new EP takes things to even greater plains.
Alternative metal act & composer JERA presents an epic & emotive build-up through electronic progressions & conceptual intrigue for this latest release.
You quickly realise the sheer passion, precision & alternative, uninhibited creative freedom that has crafted this album.