It’s a huge production in the end, an atmospheric fusion of Gospel and Rock, surrounding a timeless melody, and piercingly evocative vocals from our leading artist.
Retro-instrumental quirks with an imaginative twist – a familiar cover concept, but a track and intention that’s quick to redirect things. Slender Guitarist offers a creative look at two worlds colliding, with this pop-punk meets old-school gamer tones composition, for If GREEN DAY’s Brain Stew was in Pizza Tower.
Shar’s honouring of Chapman resounds beautifully, no doubt impressing all the more so in the live setting, and this is easily one of the more respectful and well-imitated covers to hit the scene in quite some time. Shar ignites the natural fluidity and warmth of the song with confidence and skill, and the results work their magic with ease.
The West’s favourite holiday resounds with musical cheer, and always we crave a slightly original take on the classics – something a little fresh, but not straying too far from the warmth and familiarity we’re used to.
Expect gritty and impassioned vocals and absolute musical unity, as Justin Timberlake’s Sexy Back gets a whole new look, for the sub-three-minute explosion that is The Reckless’ new single.
If you weren’t a fan of Anti-Hero before, I’d take bets that you will be after listening. And if you already were – here’s a whole new tempo and flavour to reignite your love for it.
A renowned vocalist, achieving an unrivalled balance between emotion, tone and ability, Cormac Thompson effortlessly weaves his way through the meandering melodies of Time In A Bottle, untiing delicacy and depth in a pure and unfiltered fashion.
Indie’s iconic Ghost In The Machine recapture the essence of time’s past, with a beautifully innovative, stripped back and soulful cover of Pat Benatar’s legendary single Heartbreaker.
“We’ve recorded a few Christmas songs over the years but I always knew I’d record this Billy Squier classic someday. Something about the bluesy vibe and rock n roll spirit of the track just screams Dustin Douglas & The Electric Gentlemen.”
Classically familiar, instantly catchy yet also as creatively free as every release from his corner, MC Shep pays tribute to a timeless reggae hit, with Don’t Worry (Three Little Birds).
An ode to the great Leonard Cohen, with faultless guitar-work and naturally recognisable vocals guiding us through this hypnotic melody and story.
Creating purely out of a clear love for the process, BIAS brings both precision and heart to the nature of covering music, and injects an impressive hit of originality in the same instance.