I want people to see I’m real. I’m not out here making shit up for 15 minutes of fame or to come off as provocative or fake. I want people to see how original I am. I don’t think anyone makes music like mine that I’ve heard – I’m my own biggest fan so I’m always going to make music I’d listen to.

Rebecca Cullen
Skillfully walking the line between totally alternative or underground sounds & the more widely accessible, mainstream flavors of today. Grizzy takes on the issues of 2018 & the world as it is for the average young person with big dreams.
The official video release for this single introduces the track and the artist in a fitting way. There’s a cool and rather suave quality to the shots – this late night, dimly lit vibe emerges.
The live performance is what makes a band ‘real’. The studio is not about real human beings doing anything extraordinary. It’s the careful crafting of symbols & dreams. The real ritual where blood is shed & minds are forever changed; that’s live performance. That’s where you begin to really, truly believe.
Every band member contributes to the writing, giving the music a widely accessible aura. The songs connect in a not too personal way, seeming honest & genuine at all times, but making sure to include you as a listener.
Dingazz Music return this summer to release a beautifully heartfelt and soulful, smooth ballad with a rhythmic edge and some stunning vocals.
As it progresses, the track offers more & more in the way of originality & creative freedom. JayJayy leans back & forth between the delicacy of heartfelt RnB & the quicker, more intense delivery style of hip hop.
Shane Guerrete’s return in 2018 presents a singer and songwriter who has well and truly cemented his status as a freely creative, thoughtful, skillful, and consistently interesting artist.
Jazz & funk touched, ambient escapism at its most immersive & fascinating. Tiny fragments of audio collide, combine & intertwine to create something vast & alternative, almost like a freestyle jam – the vocals included.
The music inspires you to be joyful and to go after those things that matter. The New Starts Now seem to have this quality of uplifting, inspirational songwriting inherent in all that they do.
The piece starts off with beauty & softness, which soon descends into a heavy pit of movement – an industrial throbbing – then these tribal flickers of noise & consistent energy fill up the outer layers. You can visualize this conveyor belt of processes – the systems being the thing that’s valued, not the people who operate them.
A live solo performance would likely entrance in a different but equally powerful way to a full band evening. Trent Taylor’s voice & songwriting create the perfect source of natural escapism for deep thinkers & soulful rock fans.