The details are incredibly considerate, but the experience of this as a finished entity is where the joy really emerges.
Rebecca Cullen
Dragonfly presents listeners with a defiantly unique, country-rock fusion collection that showcases her characterful vocal delivery & songwriting in a bold way.
The backing vocals have a certain delicacy & this contrasts rather brilliantly with the volume & swagger of those electric guitar solos.
There’s a level of wonder & intimacy to the whole thing, as if this is some secret, heartfelt performance we just happened to have stumbled upon.
Shanti Shanti have a truly beautiful sound & their songwriting is equally beautiful & works hard to hold your attention & affection at every step.
Dirk Schwenk’s songwriting & musicianship carefully walk the line between familiar & fresh. It’s a pleasure to let the songs fill the room around you.
I love writing because I can write about anything – hating myself, loving myself, Swiss cheese, parking lots. I’m never going to put myself in a box regarding what I can sing about.
There’s a delicacy to the music but still it manages to hit with impact – the sort of sound that would slowly but surely lure you over to be a part of the moment.
Following the release of his stunning album Dysphasia, we were blessed with the opportunity to interview artist and songwriter Lemesios to find out more about the music and how it all came to be. Here’s the conversation in full. * * * Hi Constantinos, thank you for your time and congratulations on the EP. Thank you for … Continued
Emmanuel DALMAS’ voice shines brightly with an intimate delicacy that fits the mood of the music & the song’s sentiment really well.
Consider the things he considers & simultaneously keep yourself entertained. Nobody makes music quite like Pete Murphy does.
The most suffocating thing you can do as an artist & indeed as a person it to limit yourself to one way of doing things