A trippy yet gentle delight, loaded with subtle contrast and full to the brim with artistic intent and musical awareness alike.

Rebecca Cullen
Featuring heavy bass-work and a contrasting vocal and melodic riff lightness, Songs For Sabotage drive with poetic and soulful intention on their latest single.
Alternative rock composition and live performance unite for this uniquely conceptually, deeply artistic and impossible to ignore album from Michigan’s Tiny Tree. Embolism is a project with meaning, depth, and an insatiable thirst for expressing the inexpressible.
A dash of Pearl Jam, a touch of Classic British Rock, a few hints of vibrato and a stunning use of contrast – Ibiza ’98 from the UK’s own NEVERMAN is a superb new single, and a brilliant taste of what’s to come from their upcoming EP.
Fusing melody and rap, clever references and long-form bars alongside quick rhymes, the single showcases a range of talents and a genuine thread of personality that introduces the G-Pak sound with style and intention.
Artist and rapper Hazel’s debut mixtape is one that legitimately makes you wonder how this is the first project of hers to emerge
“Those who follow the creative path will find themselves filled with a great spiritual power, which makes it easy to reflect away the judgments of those who do not choose the path of self discovery and who are happy to live a wholly unexamined life.”
The way the music slowly but surely sweeps you off your feet is a finely tuned craft that’s been absolutely mastered here.
Contrasting big beats and a warm, synth-led soundscape, with the absolute delicacy of a higher-toned vocal lead, Las Olas proves as exotic and ambient as its title implies, and introduces Pariz Noir in a uniquely memorable way.
Bringing purpose and artistic intention back into hip hop – outside of that which intends to purely create volume, or draw attention – Fifth’s Cost Of Doin’ Business offers a classic hit of story-telling and soul; introducing the artist in a bold and beautiful way.
Roaming freely amidst the trip-hop, electro pop genres, balancing delicate EDM details with soulful, heartfelt vocals, and an overall dreamlike purity and warmth that quickly embraces listeners – the single introduces the Texas trio in a professional and likable way.
SHADNR kicks in with a bang, taking 2020 by the horns as 925 Freestyle showcases everything from style to character, talent, and an increasingly impressive, captivating flow.