The repeat of longing freedom ‘from the voices in my head’ is a powerful moment, and the music & recording in general present this in a manner that’s incredibly poignant and very easy to relate to & fall under the spell of.

Rebecca Cullen
The whole thing has an addictively passionate core to it, and this is what makes the single such a dream to turn up loud & let go amidst.
Coming in at a pretty prefect three minutes thirty, 3G’s keep things classic-pop consistently throughout this brand new single.
Featuring some of the very best guitar-work & melodic story-telling around, with organic rock soundscapes to support & enhance the mood of each track, Apparitions proves as nostalgic as it is refreshing, and continuously begs for you to turn up the volume.
Creatively taking its time to build & envelop listeners entirely, Crimson Calamity’s single Ghost proves an artistic & deeply emotive hit of story & song, with a powerful sense of humanity & depth at its core.
An absolute anthem of a folk-pop hit – you can’t help but get swept away on the brightness & positivity of the whole thing.
Stylishly uniting the fast-paced power-chords of pop-punk, with the melodic-rap tendencies of contemporary hip hop.
The kind of song that will easily suit the moment of reintroduction – that day when we are finally able to meet up in groups and celebrate our freedom and overcoming.
Ambient sound design, poetic conceptualisation, and intriguing artwork – Mirrors starts off strong & refuses to lower the bar throughout.
Stunning, in short – a completely unique take on contemporary songwriting & performance, with a level of theatre & imaginative art that proves distinctly gripping, and increasingly likeable with each revisit to the song.
Beautifully done, addictive with its dance-pop brightness & seductive, interesting melody. Perhaps the most unique yet still impressive alt-pop single to emerge this side of 2020.
“Ultimately, we went with garage rock because it’s much easier to disguise our lack of talent and musical ability with loud guitars and fuzzy distortion. Also, now, we can wear leather pants and not have to justify it.”