Those memories that won’t leave, the daydream in direct opposition with reality; the elephant in the room. As the beat hits, Kimberly’s own delivery achieves a mild sense of urgency and passion, and the whole arrangement proceeds to tighten its emotional grip on the listener.
New Orleans Entertainer Big Joe Kennedy Lights Up the New Year
with the Full-Band Jazz & Blues Classics of ‘Amalgamation’
Smilee has made waves throughout the UK scene since the release of her debut single Wavelength back in 2020, and continues to build upon that with both precision and passion as a modern artist.
From the instantly likable songwriter who brought us the folk-pop gem The Way To Be, Steve Savona delves into the true variety and presence of his sound, with the eclectic and anthem-loaded album Basically Me.
This time of year always brings back the best melodies and memories combined. A fresh twist on the classic dynamic is more than welcome, and Eddie Wang’s version of It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas is a genuine pleasure to let play this season.
Produced by xjaelunax and featuring Simona’s unmistakably beautiful vocals, meandering through these quiet folk-pop verse-lines towards the uplift and colour of the hook, Vacant feels like a classic fusion of indie alternative and radio-ready pop.
Classic hard rock blends passionate vocals and heavily distorted riffs, alongside unrelenting energy and a catchy, concise hook resolve – Bulletproof reignite the guitar-rock intensity of the eighties, with No More Lies.
St Louis country rockers Midwest Avenue bring the beauty of a live band straight through the airwaves, for the 14-track original album Moon Goes Down.
There’s a certain humility and authenticity to On This Day, which blends wonderfully with the strength of songwriting and the absolute skill and substance of the leading performance. An impressive and likable Christmas single, from an artist clearly worth knowing about as 2023 nears its curtain call.
Writer and scientist Narsha Bulgakbaev oversteps the barriers between disciplines, with an emotionally charged collection of original songs.
The elusive paqx creates music from the spirit and the soul, blending instrumental purity with spoken reflections and personal honesty, across uniquely ambient, beautiful playlists like the Wetakkim album.
Across the entirety of The Engine, Acid City Nuns present for half the time as fun-loving musicians, and for the other half as profoundly topical observers of a world of uncertainty and error.