Blaze by Joe Gang is a powerful, beautiful, and deep cutting endeavor into a level of emotion seldom discussed in the rap and hip hop genres. The title itself a poignant reference to both smoking and the attitude of complete emotional withdrawal.


Throughout this album you’re reminded of the starting point of this holiday we celebrate, the religious aspects and the backstory – as well as the togetherness and love that it sees us all celebrate. 


Let’s start this off with a big thank you to Thomas Resurrection for keeping the gravel and grit of soulful blues-rock alive. DIRTY is one of a few recent releases that present his sound in a memorable yet partly nostalgic manner.

Blues RockGrungeRock

Fusing electronic beats with delicate melodies and occasional hints of hard-rock, the digitally collaborative outfit offer the absolute best of everyone’s abilities in what proves to be a truly immersive and quite outstanding collection. 

Dark WaveEDMElectronic Rock

Paul Holda pours every aspect of his musical being into this 19-track album, moving from a sheer passion for musicianship in the early stages, through history and considerate ideas, and finally onward into melodic expression and something of a meeting between all of this. Tracks 1-6 are original instrumental compositions and draw you in effectively … Continued
