Hauntingly raw and intimate in both lyrical honesty and presentation, GloriousM crafts a painfully true depiction of adoration, love and heartbreak, for Lost In You.
Trip Hop
Elusive Montana creatives Gilda House balance delicacy and distortion to striking results, throughout this uniquely haunting yet energising new single Give Me Some.
Dreamy tones, hypnotic melodies and retro compression unite for a nostalgic, shoegaze-esque journey through contemplation and uplift, as Thats Nokay releases the warmth and wonder of LivForev.
The comfort and escapism of alcohol stands tall in the optimism and brightness of the music, whereas the darker reality of the grip of addiction pours through in the relentless longing and lostness of the lyrics.
Dreamy production and smooth tones bring together organic melodies and electronic, ethereal overtones, for the quickly mood-setting and catchy late night anthem THATGIRL.
Funky bass and hi-hats lead us into the seductively intimate groove of Monstrous’ latest two-track EP You Want More.
It’s an exotic, poetic and powerful mix, subtle yet striking when listened to at volume, and a more than worthy introduction to the Beats Freaks Geeks collective force.
Almost a year since the release of Unstoppable, Lorelei Roux returns to collaborate with Becca Sameasu, to launch the enchanting, thoughtful and euphoric work Church of the Inner Cosmos.
Making haunting use of unique vocal manipulation, the song manages to skilfully walk the line between organically soulful and electronically euphoric.
Sometimes the music is so beautiful that the writing process is put on hold temporarily. In the case of Ellis Hadlock Music’s latest project, that was very much the case.
Memphis-born and backed by years of experience both in bands and behind the mixing desk, z.matt.33 showcases a lifetime of connection to music, throughout the uniquely original production of Postcards.
Not quite shoegaze or surf rock or trip hop but something organic and electro-kissed all the same, freely wandering along the lines between them all.