You’re encouraged to look ahead, and even behind – not merely seeing what’s in the here & now, but seeing things much more deeply. Easily worth two or three listens in a row, to make sure every idea & its clever connection to the music supporting it really sinks in.
Rose has the addictive qualities of an alternative hit, complex in terms of the details & the thought that’s gone into it, but simple in terms of the melody & the overall vibe & sound you take away. Undoubtedly a top track from the whole of 2018 so far. Incredibly clever, catchy, stylish, and refreshingly unique right now.
As far as independent music goes, the dedication, skill, and sheer enjoyment of the craft doesn’t get much clearer and more enjoyable for an audience than this.
The presentation of this topic, the evolving sense of emotion, and indeed the additional vocals that strengthen certain moments in a choir-like fashion – all of this underlines the song’s inherently real approach to expression in a powerful way.
As it progresses, the track offers more & more in the way of originality & creative freedom. JayJayy leans back & forth between the delicacy of heartfelt RnB & the quicker, more intense delivery style of hip hop.
Jazz & funk touched, ambient escapism at its most immersive & fascinating. Tiny fragments of audio collide, combine & intertwine to create something vast & alternative, almost like a freestyle jam – the vocals included.
H.I.M is fearless when it comes to performance, he lays bare his intimate truths & desires with both his lyrics & his vocal style. That sense of character & confidence is inherent in his approach.
More people need to have that drive to say ‘this too shall end’. More people need to wake up each morning, even when they don’t want to, and kick that day’s ass. Accomplishment, personal courage, is the greatest cure for depression.
It’s a breath of fresh air, but still aware of its roots. In other words: a perfected form – beautifully recorded & incredibly well mastered.
Purchla’s lyrics are fascinating – the scene he sets, the story he tells, the gore & the observations, the other & the self – all of this is captivating.
There’s something unbelievably personal & revealing about this particular track that effectively leads A Cat Named Felix down some new, previously undiscovered pathway.
This collaboration from Jae Douglass & Blake Wisner is a fast-working ear-worm that comes through loaded with soul & passion – on a level that isn’t found all too often in modern music.