Wolfy The Fifth’s debut promises a creative & professional shift in direction for modern independent music. King Of The Moon fuses equal parts electronic rock & alternative pop, with a hearty & gradually intensifying beat; fit for any & all EDM remixes.
Stunning instrumental music from an immensely talented, experienced band, with a clear & unwavering passion for music. Absolutely worth tuning in for.
The live performance is what makes a band ‘real’. The studio is not about real human beings doing anything extraordinary. It’s the careful crafting of symbols & dreams. The real ritual where blood is shed & minds are forever changed; that’s live performance. That’s where you begin to really, truly believe.
Every band member contributes to the writing, giving the music a widely accessible aura. The songs connect in a not too personal way, seeming honest & genuine at all times, but making sure to include you as a listener.
A live solo performance would likely entrance in a different but equally powerful way to a full band evening. Trent Taylor’s voice & songwriting create the perfect source of natural escapism for deep thinkers & soulful rock fans.
Tim Spriggs writes from a notably personal perspective, but it’s intriguing & accessible all at once – as if he’s speaking on those things we’d been thinking about, but hadn’t been able to put into words.
The expression runs deep, not merely letting the lyrics tell the story, but letting every aspect of the performance scream it out to you.
A mighty pop-rock album, a wonderful playlist that grows more and more enjoyable the further into it you get – and more so with each new listen afterwards.
Borderline Bob write & compose songs that are completely free from the confines of genre or industry expectations. At the same time, they offer skillful musicianship, passionate performances, and more than a few beautifully expressive ideas.
Surrendering is a huge track, a refreshing and hard-hitting, emotional rock release that paints a whole new picture of the band and what they’re about.
It’s a powerful playlist in itself, in all honesty. The louder you listen, the more immersive the experience becomes. It’s authentic, heartfelt music to escape to.
You can’t predict anything on this project, Callison’s songs follow their own rules entirely. He’s a performer, not merely a singer. A live show is not something you’ll want to miss out on.