Stumble upon Increst & be reassured that there are still bands out there pushing for that nostalgic, hard-hitting, emotional & gritty rock sound – the likes of which have felt so out of reach since the days of Pearl Jam & Audioslave.
3mind Blight drives with a gritty, perfectly expressive leading voice on this single Rag Doll. The sound falls somewhere between Nine Inch Nails and Rob Zombie, with a flicker of Papa Roach for good measure.
Project Sapiens are a hard rock band, without question – there’s weight to their music, intensity & pace. It’s energizing, it fills the room with volume, but more than this – there’s skill to the arrangement & the performances, and there’s a hell of a lot of heart & depth to the writing.
Very rarely in life do you come across an artist that has immeasurable levels of talent with an innate star quality that can’t be learned, and just know it’s only a matter of time until they hit it big. Kingsley is one of those artists – his self-titled debut is a master class of the pop-rock genre.
The Anti-Trump Mix Tape is on sale for a whopping £1,000 or more (that’s $1,320 for my American audience) with each track costing at least £100. That’s PMKS, and this is Anti-Trump Mix Tape.
The set-up is superb, the music and the vocals are so united that it feels like a work of art, and genuine too. You can feel the emotion and the difficulty as the performance pours through.
It’s a relationship song with a twist, and the switch from the melancholy verses to the hopeful hook – it’s not too bad – makes for something that resolves in a satisfying way.
The story is told, the band bring back the effort and detail of the eighties in a captivating way, and the song ignites a new and bright light within the music world.
In among a world of squeaky clean, electronically built records, this release brings about the familiar tones of a simpler time for music fans who miss the way that felt.
Monkey Fighters bring together superb guitar work, sensational energy levels, and an undeniable closeness and connection when it comes to performing as a group.
Whatever opinions you form after hearing just half of any one of these songs, they’re likely to be blown out of the water within a few minutes of hearing whatever else surrounds it. This album is a work of art for modern grunge & rock in general.
A fascinating band who take story-telling to new heights. A sense of change or evolution continues throughout, leading you towards a latter half that’s close to brilliant in how compelling, interesting & musically immersive it becomes.