There’s a lot at work structurally & this helps seal the deal in terms of Lune’s own identity as The Songwriter. The track has a simple, memorable hook that stands tall on its strength & vulnerability combined.
Moromo’s debut single Very Alive brings through a blissfully ambient, dark & calming piece of music & performance that accompanies a thoughtful night or a long drive pretty perfectly.
A track that fuses a passionate & multi-layered backdrop with a confident, rhythmic leading vocal performance that takes inspiration from the likes of Empire State of Mind.
Dion’s voice drives the song’s melody & underlying sentiments in a perfectly genuine & fitting way. It’s a song from the heart, with good intentions, and this shows at every step.
The production quality & the addictive nature of that bass-line grab a hold of you more & more. It’s a mighty backdrop that works its magic pretty swiftly.
H.I.M is fearless when it comes to performance, he lays bare his intimate truths & desires with both his lyrics & his vocal style. That sense of character & confidence is inherent in his approach.
Everything from the opening instrumentation to the artwork for this single refuses to scream out for attention. It’s subtle, humble, and charming in being so.
Something tells me that much like the continent she calls home, her music holds countless untold treasures for us to unearth as we explore & get to know her identity as an artist as time goes by.
Mercia Viola as a creative has big plans within & around her own journey, so this drive & this natural connection to the arts is likely to shine more & more brightly as time goes by.
This meeting of classic pop & RnB is not often utilized in modern music – Joan Mercury has her sound & her approach to creativity, and it works in her favour right now.
A brilliantly gritty take on modern RnB that’s sure to bring together classic & alternative fans of the genre alike.
This collaboration from Jae Douglass & Blake Wisner is a fast-working ear-worm that comes through loaded with soul & passion – on a level that isn’t found all too often in modern music.