Making sure to take the time to write something meaningful, something that connects and is relatable but presents itself in a new and profound manner – these are the qualities that give a song the strength to break through the noise, and these are precisely the qualities Chupapi offers up in his music.


Bringing together the smoothness of jazz, the soulfulness of RnB, and the honesty of hip hop, Change My Ways is a track that lays out some calming good vibes and a heartfelt, deeply personal sentiment that connects for its realness.


Better Than You speaks on moving forwards and not looking back. There’s a sense of accomplishment in the lyrics and indeed in Angelle’s delivery of them. That vocal has believable swagger about it, meandering effortlessly through these notes but also hitting with impact rather than simply and softly whispering the ideas. 


vladhq ☆ offers everything from strong production to memorable melodies, heart-felt lyrics to captivating visuals, and for all of these reasons and more – the song is a fitting introduction to a driven, dedicated creative.


IAMREBELWILL raises the bar beautifully with this latest release. Showcasing a stunning vocal style from the offset, and a soundscape and performance that gradually and artistically gather momentum and intensity throughout, Til The Sun Comes Down is as smoothly hypnotic as it is hard-hitting and energizing.

Alt PopPopProducerRnBSoul